On 30 October 2023, Assistant Professor Takahiro Watari of Nagaoka University of Technology (Group 4 member) received a PhD from Hanoi University of Technology in the field of " Development of an appropriate treatment system for natural rubber industrial wastewater treatment”.
In addition, in 12 October 2023, Dr TRẦN MINH ĐỨC, a student of Hanoi University of Technology, was admitted to the 5-year integrated doctoral program for the upcoming year. He is set to commence his academic journey at Nagaoka University of Technology in April 2024. Although Dr. Duc's absence will be felt on the HUST side of the project, we eagerly anticipate his return in five years, envisioning even greater growth.
We extend heartfelt encouragement to both students for their future endeavors.
2023年10月30日、長岡技術科学大学の渡利高大助教(グループ4メンバー)がハノイ工科大学にて博士号「Development of an appropriate treatment system for natural rubber industrial wastewater treatment 」を取得しました。
また、2023年10月12日にはハノイ工科大学の学生Dr. TRẦN MINH ĐỨCが来年度の5年一貫性博士課程に合格しました。2024年4月から長岡技術科学大学での学生生活が始まります。人望の厚いDr. Ducの不在はHUST側プロジェクトへの打撃となりますが、さらに成長した5年後の帰国に期待しています。