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The 3rd JCC meeting was held at Hanoi University of Science and Technology, and key members from Nagaoka University of Technology joined in person.


The 3rd JCC meeting was held at the Hanoi University of Science and Technology on the morning of 19th December 2024, with a total of 30 people (27 in person, 5 online) participating in the meeting. This time, the meeting was held with a greater sense of tension than usual, with the participation of representatives from the Embassy, the Japan Science and Technology Agency (JST), and JICA.

At the JCC, the Japanese side reported on the monitoring sheet and the status of the equipment provided, while the Vietnamese side announced the annual plan for next year, and agreement was reached on all items between the two universities.

During the final Q&A session, questions were raised about the content of the activities and the approval of equipment changes, and concerns about future activities were cleared up.

This year's JCC was held in conjunction with the mid-term evaluation survey by JST, as the third year of activities on the Japanese side was coming to an end. For the Vietnamese side, it was still the end of the second year, but we hope that the early survey will lead to early course correction and be a very good opportunity.









Project Directorによる開会あいさつ




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